I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. –- Michael Jordan
Cloud Foundry Stop and Start

How to stop and start Cloud Foundry simply

Maybe you need to save on public IaaS costs by shutting down your Cloud Foundry foundation. Maybe you need to put Cloud Foundry into a state of suspended animation while you do hardware maintenanc......
By RICK FARMER   FEB 13, 2017
vi Cheatsheet

Level up your vi Kung Fu

The BasicsUse ESC or CTRL-[ to enter Normal mode. History ctrl-p : Previous command in history ctrl-n : Next command in history / : Search backward in history n : Repeat the last / Movem......
By RICK FARMER   JAN 30, 2017
UNIX Command Line Cheatsheet

Level up your UNIX Kung Fu

Handy commands ctrl-l : Clear the screen Navigating the command line ctrl-a : Go to the beginning of a line ctrl-e : Go to the end of the line ctrl-k ......
By RICK FARMER   JAN 10, 2017