Cloud Foundry Stop and Start

How to stop and start Cloud Foundry simply

Posted by RICK FARMER    Feb 13, 2017

Maybe you need to save on public IaaS costs by shutting down your Cloud Foundry foundation. Maybe you need to put Cloud Foundry into a state of suspended animation while you do hardware maintenance. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But how?

The simplest way:

For 1.9, the stop / start procedure is:

  1. Scale down etcd_tls_server, consul_server, mysql and diego_database to 1 instance
  2. bosh stop
  3. bosh start
  4. If needing HA, scale instance groups back up to original or desired counts

For 1.10, the stop / start procedure is:

  1. Scale down etcd_tls_server, consul_server and mysql to 1 instance
  2. bosh stop
  3. bosh start
  4. Scale instance groups back up to original or desired counts

Note: If you are using a public IaaS such as AWS or GCP you can additionally add the —hard to bosh stop in order to kill the VMs as well.